
This is the API documentation for kelp.

kelp Package



Run the tests for the package.


Filter(wavelength, transmittance[, name])

Astronomical filter object.

Model([hotspot_offset, alpha, omega_drag, …])

Planetary system object for generating phase curves

PhaseCurve(xi, flux[, flux_err, name, …])

Thermal phase curve.

Planet([per, t0, inc, rp, ecc, w, a, u, fp, …])

Transiting planet parameters.

StellarSpectrum(wavelength, …)


Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of kelp.registries.Filter, kelp.core.Model, kelp.registries.PhaseCurve, kelp.registries.Planet, kelp.core.StellarSpectrum

kelp.theano Package


reflected_phase_curve(phases, omega, g, a_rp)

Reflected light phase curve for a homogeneous sphere by Heng, Morris & Kitzmann (2021).

reflected_phase_curve_inhomogeneous(phases, …)

Reflected light phase curve for an inhomogeneous sphere by Heng, Morris & Kitzmann (2021), with inspiration from Hu et al. (2015).

thermal_phase_curve(xi, hotspot_offset, …)

Compute the phase curve evaluated at phases xi.

kelp.jax Package


reflected_phase_curve(phases, omega, g, a_rp)

Reflected light phase curve for a homogeneous sphere by Heng, Morris & Kitzmann (2021).

reflected_phase_curve_inhomogeneous(phases, …)

Reflected light phase curve for an inhomogeneous sphere by Heng, Morris & Kitzmann (2021), with inspiration from Hu et al. (2015).

thermal_phase_curve(xi, hotspot_offset, …)

Compute the phase curve evaluated at phases xi.