Background ========== Perturbed spherical harmonic basis: temperature map --------------------------------------------------- The photospheric temperature of an exoplanet, as a function of the planetary latitude :math:`\theta` and longitude :math:`\phi` can be defined as: .. math:: T = T_\mathrm{eq} (1 - A_B)^{1/4} \left( 1 + \sum_{m, \ell}^{\ell_{\rm max}} h_{m\ell}(\theta, \phi) \right) such that :math:`T_\mathrm{eq} = f T_\mathrm{eff} \sqrt{R_\star/a}` is the equilibrium temperature for greenhouse factor :math:`f`, stellar effective temperature :math:`T_\mathrm{eff}`, and normalized semimajor axis :math:`a/R_\star`; :math:`A_B` is the Bond albedo. The prefactor on the left acts as a constant scaling term for the absolute temperature field, on which the :math:`h_{ml}` terms are a perturbation. The :math:`h_{m\ell}(\alpha, \omega_\mathrm{drag})` terms are defined by: .. math:: \begin{split} h_{m\ell} = \frac{C_{m\ell}}{\omega_\mathrm{drag}^2 \alpha^4 + m^2} e^{-\tilde{\mu}/2} [ \mu m H_{\ell} \cos(m \phi) \\ + \alpha \omega_\mathrm{drag} (2lH_{\ell-1} - \tilde{\mu}H_\ell) \sin(m\phi) ], \end{split} where .. math:: \alpha = \mathcal{R}^{-1/2} \mathcal{P}^{-1/4} is the dimensionless fluid number of Heng & Workman (2014), and is a function of the Reynold's number :math:`\mathcal{R}` and the Prandtl number :math:`\mathcal{P}`. :math:`\omega_\mathrm{drag}` is the dimensionless drag frequency, :math:`\mu = \cos\theta`, :math:`\tilde{\mu}=\alpha \mu`, :math:`H_\ell(\tilde{\mu})` are the Hermite polynomials: .. math:: \begin{eqnarray} H_0 &=& 1\\ H_1 &=& 2\tilde{\mu}\\ H_3 &=& 8\tilde{\mu}^3 - 12 \tilde{\mu}\\ H_4 &=& 16\tilde{\mu}^4 - 48\tilde{\mu}^2 + 12. \end{eqnarray} Phase curve ----------- We can then compute the thermal flux emitted by the planet at any orbital phase :math:`\xi`, which is normalized from zero at secondary eclipse and :math:`\pm\pi` at transit: .. math:: F_p = R_p^2 \int_{-\xi-\pi/2}^{-\xi+\pi/2} \int_0^\pi \mathcal{B}(T) \sin^2\theta \cos(\phi + \xi)d\theta d\phi given the blackbody function defined as: .. math:: \mathcal{B}(T) = \int_{\lambda_1}^{\lambda_2} B_\lambda(T(\theta, \phi)) \mathcal{F}_\lambda d\lambda where :math:`T(\theta, \phi)` is the temperature map described with the perturbed spherical harmonic basis functions in the previous section, and :math:`\mathcal{F_\lambda}` is the filter throughput. The observation that we seek to fit is the infrared phase curve of the exoplanet, typically normalized as a ratio of the thermal flux of the planet normalized by the thermal flux of the star, like so: .. math:: F_p/F_\star = \frac{1}{\pi I_\star} \left(\frac{R_p}{R_\star}\right)^2 \int_0^\pi \int_{-\xi-\pi/2}^{-\xi+\pi/2} I_p(\theta, \phi) \cos(\phi+\xi) \sin^2(\theta) d\phi d\theta \label{eqn:diskint} where the intensity :math:`I` is given by .. math:: I = \int \mathcal{F}_\lambda \mathcal{B}_\lambda(T(\theta, \phi) d\lambda for a filter bandpass transmittance function :math:`\mathcal{F}_\lambda`. Example temperature fields -------------------------- The first several terms in the spherical harmonic expansion of the temperature map in the :math:`h_{m\ell}` basis. Each subplot shows the temperature perturbation (purple to yellow is cold to hot) as a function of latitude and longitude (shown in Mollweide projections such that the substellar longitude is in the center of the plot). The :math:`m = 0` terms are always zero. The :math:`\ell=2` terms are asymmetric about the equator and therefore do not represent typical GCM results, so we keep all :math:`\ell=2` terms fixed to zero in the subsequent fits. These maps were generated with :math:`\alpha=0.6` and :math:`\omega_\mathrm{drag} = 4.5`. .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import astropy.units as u from kelp import Model, Filter, Planet import astropy.units as u from astropy.constants import R_jup, R_sun filt = Filter.from_name('IRAC 1') n_phi = 100 n_theta = 100 lmax = 3 p = Planet.from_name('HD 189733') def indexer(l, m): C_ml = [[0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] C_ml[l][m] = 1 return C_ml def generate_temp_map(a, l, m): hotspot_offset = 0 C_ml = indexer(l, m) alpha = 0.6 omega_drag = 4.5 rp_a = float(R_jup / (a * u.AU)) a_rs = float(a * u.AU / R_sun) A_B = 0 T_s = 5770 model = Model(hotspot_offset, alpha, omega_drag, A_B, C_ml, lmax, a_rs=a_rs, rp_a=rp_a, T_s=T_s, filt=filt) phase_offset = np.pi / 2 f = 1 / np.sqrt(2) T, theta, phi = model.temperature_map(n_theta, n_phi, f=f) return T, theta, phi cml_example = indexer(1, 0) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) ax = np.array( [fig.add_subplot( len(cml_example), len(cml_example[-1]), 1+i, projection="mollweide") for i in range(len(cml_example[-1]) * len(cml_example))] ).reshape((len(cml_example), len(cml_example[-1]))) for l in range(0, lmax + 1): for m in range(-l, l + 1): temperature, theta, phi = generate_temp_map(0.17, l, m) phirange = (-np.pi <= phi) & (np.pi >= phi) cax = ax[l, m + len(cml_example[-1])//2].pcolormesh( phi[phirange], (theta - np.pi/2), temperature[:, phirange], rasterized=True ) ax[l, m + len(cml_example[-1])//2].set_title(f'$m = {m},\,\ell = {l}$') ax[l, m + len(cml_example[-1])//2].grid(False) for i in range(len(cml_example)): for j in range(len(cml_example[-1])): ax[i, j].axis('off') plt.tight_layout(h_pad=0.8, w_pad=0.3) Below is the same as above, but this time for :math:`\alpha=0.9` and :math:`\omega_\mathrm{drag} = 1.5` -- note that when the drag is set to a smaller value, the chevron shape becomes more pronounced as a perturbation on the temperature maps with :math:`\ell \neq 0`. .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import astropy.units as u from kelp import Model, Filter, Planet import astropy.units as u from astropy.constants import R_jup, R_sun filt = Filter.from_name('IRAC 1') n_phi = 100 n_theta = 100 lmax = 3 p = Planet.from_name('HD 189733') def indexer(l, m): C_ml = [[0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] C_ml[l][m] = 1 return C_ml def generate_temp_map(a, l, m): hotspot_offset = 0 C_ml = indexer(l, m) alpha = 0.9 omega_drag = 1.5 rp_a = float(R_jup / (a * u.AU)) a_rs = float(a * u.AU / R_sun) A_B = 0 T_s = 5770 model = Model(hotspot_offset, alpha, omega_drag, A_B, C_ml, lmax, a_rs=a_rs, rp_a=rp_a, T_s=T_s, filt=filt) phase_offset = np.pi / 2 f = 1 / np.sqrt(2) T, theta, phi = model.temperature_map(n_theta, n_phi, f=f) return T, theta, phi cml_example = indexer(1, 0) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) ax = np.array( [fig.add_subplot( len(cml_example), len(cml_example[-1]), 1+i, projection="mollweide") for i in range(len(cml_example[-1]) * len(cml_example))] ).reshape((len(cml_example), len(cml_example[-1]))) for l in range(0, lmax + 1): for m in range(-l, l + 1): temperature, theta, phi = generate_temp_map(0.17, l, m) phirange = (-np.pi <= phi) & (np.pi >= phi) cax = ax[l, m + len(cml_example[-1])//2].pcolormesh( phi[phirange], (theta - np.pi/2), temperature[:, phirange], rasterized=True ) ax[l, m + len(cml_example[-1])//2].set_title(f'$m = {m},\,\ell = {l}$') ax[l, m + len(cml_example[-1])//2].grid(False) for i in range(len(cml_example)): for j in range(len(cml_example[-1])): ax[i, j].axis('off') plt.tight_layout(h_pad=0.8, w_pad=0.3)