.. image:: _static/kelp.svg :align: right :width: 200 ==== kelp ==== This is the documentation for ``kelp``, a photometric phase curve package written in Python. The source code is available on `GitHub `_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 kelp/installation.rst kelp/background.rst kelp/gettingstarted.rst kelp/interactive.rst kelp/optimization.rst kelp/reflected.rst kelp/index.rst Interactive demo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :math:`h_{m\ell}` basis is a mathematical shorthand for describing physically-motivated temperature maps for exoplanets. Three parameters which can be tuned to fit most phase curves include the the dimensionless drag frequency :math:`\omega`, the power in the :math:`m=\ell=1` spherical harmonic mode :math:`C_{11}`, and the arbitrary rotational offset of the coordinate system :math:`\Delta\phi`. Tweak these parameters below to see how they affect the corresponding maps and phase curves: .. raw:: html :file: _kelp_vis.html