Source code for kelp.registries

import os
from json import load
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic

from import fits
import astropy.units as u

__all__ = ['Planet', 'Filter', 'PhaseCurve']

planets_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'planets.json')
filters_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'filters.json')
pc_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'lightcurves.fits')

[docs]class Planet(object): """ Transiting planet parameters. This is meant to be a duck-type drop-in for the ``batman`` package's transiting exoplanet parameters ``TransitParams`` object. """ with open(planets_path, 'r') as _f: _planets = load(_f) def __init__(self, per=None, t0=None, inc=None, rp=None, ecc=None, w=None, a=None, u=None, fp=None, t_secondary=None, T_s=None, rp_a=None, limb_dark='quadratic', name=None): """ Parameters ---------- per : float Orbital period [days] t0 : float Mid-transit time inc : float Orbital inclination [deg] rp : float Ratio of planet to star radius ecc : float Eccentricity w : float Argument of periastron [deg] a : float Semimajor axis normalized by the stellar radius u : list (i.e.) Quadratic limb-darkening parameters fp : float Planetary flux out of eclipse t_secondary : float Time of secondary eclipse T_s : float Temperature of the host star [K] rp_a : float Radius of the planet over the semimajor axis limb_dark : str Limb darkening law to use name : str Name metadata for the planet """ self.per = per self.t0 = t0 = inc self.rp = rp self.ecc = ecc self.w = w self.a = a self.u = u self.limb_dark = limb_dark self.fp = fp self.t_secondary = t_secondary self.T_s = T_s self.rp_a = rp_a = name
[docs] @classmethod def from_name(cls, name): """ Initialize a Planet instance from the target name. There's a small (but growing?) database of planets pre-defined in the ``kelp/data/planets.json`` file. If your favorite planet is missing, pull requests are welcome! Parameters ---------- name : str (i.e.: "Kepler-7" or "KELT-9") Name of the planet """ return cls(name=name, **cls._planets[name])
[docs] def eclipse_model(self, xi): r""" Compute eclipse model at orbital phases ``xi``. Parameters ---------- xi : `~numpy.ndarray` Orbital phase angle :math:`\xi` Returns ------- eclipse : `~numpy.ndarray` Eclipse model normalized such that flux is zero in eclipse. """ from batman import TransitModel xi_over_pi = xi / np.pi eclipse = TransitModel(self, xi_over_pi, transittype='secondary', exp_time=xi_over_pi[1] - xi_over_pi[0], supersample_factor=3, ).light_curve(self) eclipse -= eclipse.min() return eclipse
[docs]class Filter(object): """ Astronomical filter object. """ with open(filters_path, 'r') as _f: _filters = load(_f) def __init__(self, wavelength, transmittance, name=None): """ Parameters ---------- wavelength : `~numpy.ndarray` Wavelength array transmittance : `~numpy.ndarray` Transmittance array """ self.wavelength = wavelength self.transmittance = transmittance = name
[docs] @classmethod def from_name(cls, name): """ Initialize a Filter instance from the filter name. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the filter. Examples include "IRAC 1", "IRAC 2", "Kepler", "TESS", and "CHEOPS". """ return cls(np.array(cls._filters[name]['wavelength']) *, np.array(cls._filters[name]['transmittance']), name)
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the filter transmittance curve. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axis object kwargs : dict Dictionary passed to the `~matplotlib.pyplot.plot` command Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Updated axis object """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.set( ax.plot(self.wavelength, self.transmittance, **kwargs) return ax
[docs] def bin_down(self, bins=10): """ Bin down the filter bandpass wavelengths and transmittances (shortcut for faster integration over the bandpass). Parameters ---------- bins : int Number of bins in the binned transmittance curve. """ bs = binned_statistic(self.wavelength.value, self.transmittance, bins=bins, statistic='median') bincenters = 0.5 * (bs.bin_edges[1:] + bs.bin_edges[:-1]) self.wavelength = bincenters * self.wavelength.unit self.transmittance = bs.statistic
[docs]class PhaseCurve(object): """ Thermal phase curve. """ fits_file = None available = [] def __init__(self, xi, flux, flux_err=None, name=None, channel=None, year=None, renormalize=False): """ Parameters ---------- xi : `~numpy.ndarray` Times flux : `~numpy.ndarray` Flux measurements flux_err : `~numpy.ndarray` Flux errors name : str Name of the host star channel : str Name of the Spitzer channel year : int Year of the observations (for disambiguating) renormalize : bool Re-normalize the phase curve such that it is represented as :math:`F_p/F_s`, in units of ppm """ self.xi = xi[np.argsort(xi)] if renormalize: in_eclipse = np.abs(xi) < 0.1 flux_in_eclipse = np.nanmedian(flux[in_eclipse]) flux = 1e6 * (flux - flux_in_eclipse) if flux_err is not None: flux_err = 1e6 * flux_err self.flux = flux[np.argsort(xi)] if flux_err is not None: self.flux_err = flux_err[np.argsort(xi)] = name = channel self.year = year
[docs] @classmethod def from_name(cls, name, channel, year=None): """ Initialize a Filter instance from the filter name. Parameters ---------- name : str (i.e.: "WASP-18", "KELT-9") Name of the host star channel : str (i.e.: "1" or "2") Name of the filter (IRAC channel number) year : int Year of the observations (when multiple observations are available) """ if cls.fits_file is None: with as fitsfile: cls.fits_file = deepcopy(fitsfile) for hdu in cls.fits_file[1:]: cls.available.append("{0} (Ch {1}; year {2})" .format(hdu.header['NAME'], hdu.header['CHANNEL'], hdu.header['YEAR'])) recarray = None for hdu in cls.fits_file[1:]: if (hdu.header['NAME'] == name and hdu.header['CHANNEL'] == channel and hdu.header['YEAR'] == year): recarray = if recarray is not None: return cls(recarray['xi'], recarray['flux'], name=name, channel=channel, year=year, renormalize=False) else: raise KeyError(('Target {1} (Ch {0}, {2}) not ' + 'found in FITS registry, ' + 'which contains: {3}' ).format(channel, name, year, ', '.join(sorted(cls.available))))
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, mask=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the phase curve. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axis object kwargs : dict Dictionary passed to the `~matplotlib.pyplot.plot` command Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Updated axis object """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if mask is None: mask = np.ones_like(self.xi).astype(bool) ax.plot(self.xi[mask], self.flux[mask], **kwargs) return ax
def _add_to_fits_lit(self, fitsfile, literature=None): """ Add this phase curve to a FITS archive ``fitsfile``. Parameters ---------- fitsfile : FITS file stream Open FITS file stream """ ra = np.recarray(len(self.xi), names=["xi", "flux"], formats=['f8', 'f8']) ra['xi'] = self.xi ra['flux'] = self.flux header = fits.Header(dict(YEAR=self.year,,, literature=literature)) fitsfile.append(fits.BinTableHDU(ra, header))