Source code for kelp.core

from math import sin, cos

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import dblquad
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
from scipy.special import hermite
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.modeling.models import BlackBody

from .registries import PhaseCurve

__all__ = ['Model', 'StellarSpectrum']

def trapz2d(z, x, y):
    Integrates a regularly spaced 2D grid using the composite trapezium rule.


    z : `~numpy.ndarray`
        2D array
    x : `~numpy.ndarray`
        grid values for x (1D array)
    y : `~numpy.ndarray`
        grid values for y (1D array)

    t : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Trapezoidal approximation to the integral under z
    m = z.shape[0] - 1
    n = z.shape[1] - 1
    dx = x[1] - x[0]
    dy = y[1] - y[0]

    s1 = z[0, 0, :] + z[m, 0, :] + z[0, n, :] + z[m, n, :]
    s2 = (np.sum(z[1:m, 0, :], axis=0) + np.sum(z[1:m, n, :], axis=0) +
          np.sum(z[0, 1:n, :], axis=0) + np.sum(z[m, 1:n, :], axis=0))
    s3 = np.sum(np.sum(z[1:m, 1:n, :], axis=0), axis=0)
    return dx * dy * (s1 + 2 * s2 + 4 * s3) / 4

def mu(theta):
    Angle :math:`\mu = \cos(\theta)`

    theta : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Angle :math:`\theta`
    return np.cos(theta)

def tilda_mu(theta, alpha):
    The normalized quantity
    :math:`\tilde{\mu} = \alpha \mu(\theta)`

    theta : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Angle :math:`\theta`
    alpha : float
        Dimensionless fluid number :math:`\alpha`
    return alpha * mu(theta)

def H(lmax, theta, alpha):
    Hermite Polynomials in :math:`\tilde{\mu}(\theta)`.

    lmax : int
        Maximum spherical harmonic degree.
    theta : float
        Angle :math:`\theta`
    alpha : float
        Dimensionless fluid number :math:`\alpha`

    result : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Hermite Polynomial evaluated at angles :math:`\theta`.
    return np.sum([a * tilda_mu(theta, alpha) ** l for l, a in
        zip(range(0, lmax + 1)[::-1], list(hermite(n=lmax)))], axis=0

def _integral_phase_function(Psi, sin_abs_sort_alpha, sort_alpha, sort):
    Integral phase function q for a generic, possibly asymmetric reflectivity
    return np.trapz(Psi[sort] * sin_abs_sort_alpha, sort_alpha)

def reflected_phase_curve(xi, omega, g, a_rp):
    Reflected light phase curve for a homogeneous sphere by
    Heng, Morris & Kitzmann (2021).

    xi : `~np.ndarray`
        Orbital phases of each observation defined on (-pi, pi)
    omega : tensor-like
        Single-scattering albedo as defined in
    g : tensor-like
        Scattering asymmetry factor, ranges from (-1, 1).
    a_rp : float, tensor-like
        Semimajor axis scaled by the planetary radius

    flux_ratio_ppm : `~np.ndarray`
        Flux ratio between the reflected planetary flux and the stellar flux in
        units of ppm.
    A_g : float
        Geometric albedo derived for the planet given {omega, g}.
    q : float
        Integral phase function
    phases = (xi + np.pi) / 2 / np.pi

    # Convert orbital phase on (0, 1) to "alpha" on (0, np.pi)
    alpha = (2 * np.pi * phases - np.pi)
    abs_alpha = np.abs(alpha)
    alpha_sort_order = np.argsort(alpha)
    sin_abs_sort_alpha = np.sin(abs_alpha[alpha_sort_order])
    sort_alpha = alpha[alpha_sort_order]

    gamma = np.sqrt(1 - omega)
    eps = (1 - gamma) / (1 + gamma)

    # Equation 34 for Henyey-Greestein
    P_star = (1 - g ** 2) / (1 + g ** 2 +
                             2 * g * np.cos(alpha)) ** 1.5
    # Equation 36
    P_0 = (1 - g) / (1 + g) ** 2

    # Equation 10:
    Rho_S = P_star - 1 + 0.25 * ((1 + eps) * (2 - eps)) ** 2
    Rho_S_0 = P_0 - 1 + 0.25 * ((1 + eps) * (2 - eps)) ** 2
    Rho_L = 0.5 * eps * (2 - eps) * (1 + eps) ** 2
    Rho_C = eps ** 2 * (1 + eps) ** 2

    alpha_plus = np.sin(abs_alpha / 2) + np.cos(abs_alpha / 2)
    alpha_minus = np.sin(abs_alpha / 2) - np.cos(abs_alpha / 2)

    valid_conditions = (
        (alpha_minus != -1) & (alpha_plus != 1) & (alpha_plus != -1) &
        (alpha_minus != 1)
    num1 = np.where(
        (1 + alpha_minus),
    num2 = np.where(
        (alpha_plus - 1),
    denom1 = np.where(
        (1 + alpha_plus),
    denom2 = np.where(
        (1 - alpha_minus),

    # Equation 11:
    Psi_0 = np.where(
        np.log(num1 * num2 / denom1 / denom2),

    Psi_S = 1 - 0.5 * (np.cos(abs_alpha / 2) -
                       1.0 / np.cos(abs_alpha / 2)) * Psi_0
    Psi_L = (np.sin(abs_alpha) + (np.pi - abs_alpha) *
             np.cos(abs_alpha)) / np.pi
    Psi_C = (-1 + 5 / 3 * np.cos(abs_alpha / 2) ** 2 - 0.5 *
             np.tan(abs_alpha / 2) * np.sin(abs_alpha / 2) ** 3 * Psi_0)

    # Fix the case when the phase angle is exactly 0 or pi
    Psi_S[abs_alpha == 0] = 1
    Psi_C[abs_alpha == 0] = 2 / 3
    Psi_S[abs_alpha == np.pi] = 0
    Psi_C[abs_alpha == np.pi] = 0

    # Equation 8:
    A_g = omega / 8 * (P_0 - 1) + eps / 2 + eps ** 2 / 6 + eps ** 3 / 24

    # Equation 9:
    Psi = ((12 * Rho_S * Psi_S + 16 * Rho_L *
            Psi_L + 9 * Rho_C * Psi_C) /
           (12 * Rho_S_0 + 16 * Rho_L + 6 * Rho_C))

    flux_ratio_ppm = 1e6 * (a_rp ** -2 * A_g * Psi)

    q = _integral_phase_function(
        Psi, sin_abs_sort_alpha, sort_alpha, alpha_sort_order

    return flux_ratio_ppm, A_g, q

[docs]class Model(object): """ Planetary system object for generating phase curves """ def __init__(self, hotspot_offset=None, alpha=None, omega_drag=None, A_B=None, C_ml=None, lmax=None, a_rs=None, rp_a=None, T_s=None, planet=None, filt=None, stellar_spectrum=None): r""" Parameters ---------- hotspot_offset : float Angle of hotspot offset [radians] alpha : float Dimensionless fluid number omega_drag : float Dimensionless drag frequency A_B : float Bond albedo C_ml : array-like, list Spherical harmonic coefficients lmax : int Maximum :math:`\ell` in spherical harmonic expansion a_rs : float Semimajor axis in units of stellar radii rp_a : float Planet radius normalized by the semimajor axis T_s : float [K] Stellar effective temperature planet : `~kelp.Planet` Planet instance which can be specified instead of the three previous parameters filt : `~kelp.Filter` Filter of observations stellar_spectrum : `~kelp.StellarSpectrum` Stellar spectrum (if not supplied, assumes a Planck function at temperature ``T_s``.) """ self.hotspot_offset = hotspot_offset self.alpha = alpha self.omega_drag = omega_drag self.A_B = A_B if len(C_ml) != lmax + 1: raise ValueError('Length of C_ml must be lmax+1') self.C_ml = C_ml self.lmax = lmax self.filt = filt if planet is not None: rp_a = planet.rp_a a_rs = planet.a T_s = planet.T_s self.rp_a = rp_a self.a_rs = a_rs self.T_s = T_s if stellar_spectrum is not None: self.stellar_spectrum = stellar_spectrum else: self.stellar_spectrum = StellarSpectrum.from_zeros()
[docs] def tilda_mu(self, theta): r""" The normalized quantity :math:`\tilde{\mu} = \alpha \mu(\theta)` Parameters ---------- theta : `~numpy.ndarray` Angle :math:`\theta` """ return self.alpha *
[docs] def mu(self, theta): r""" Angle :math:`\mu = \cos(\theta)` .. note:: It is assumed that ``theta`` is linearly spaced and always increasing. Parameters ---------- theta : `~numpy.ndarray` Angle :math:`\theta` """ return np.cos(theta)
[docs] def H(self, l, theta): r""" Hermite Polynomials in :math:`\tilde{\mu}(\theta)`. Parameters ---------- l : int Implemented through :math:`\ell \leq 7`. theta : float Angle :math:`\theta` Returns ------- result : `~numpy.ndarray` Hermite Polynomial evaluated at angles :math:`\theta`. """ if l < 52: return H(l, theta, self.alpha) else: raise NotImplementedError('H only implemented to l=51, l={0}' .format(l))
[docs] def h_ml(self, m, l, theta, phi): r""" The :math:`h_{m\ell}` basis function. .. note:: It is assumed that ``theta`` and ``phi`` are linearly spaced and always increasing. Parameters ---------- m : int Spherical harmonic ``m`` index l : int Spherical harmonic ``l`` index theta : `~numpy.ndarray` Latitudinal coordinate phi : `~numpy.ndarray` Longitudinal coordinate Returns ------- hml : `~numpy.ndarray` :math:`h_{m\ell}` basis function. """ if m == 0: return 0 * np.zeros((theta.shape[1], phi.shape[0])) prefactor = (self.C_ml[l][m] / (self.omega_drag ** 2 * self.alpha ** 4 + m ** 2) * np.exp(-self.tilda_mu(theta) ** 2 / 2)) a = * m * self.H(l, theta) * np.cos(m * phi) b = self.alpha * self.omega_drag * (self.tilda_mu(theta) * self.H(l, theta) - self.H(l + 1, theta)) c = np.sin(m * phi) hml = prefactor * (a + b * c) return hml.T
[docs] def temperature_map(self, n_theta, n_phi, f=2 ** -0.5, cython=True): """ Temperature map as a function of latitude (theta) and longitude (phi). Parameters ---------- n_theta : int Number of grid points in latitude n_phi : int Number of grid points in longitude f : float Greenhouse parameter (typically 1/sqrt(2)). cython : bool Use cython implementation of the hml basis. Default is True, yields a factor of ~two speedup. Returns ------- T : `~np.ndarray` Temperature map evaluated precisely at each theta, phi theta : `~np.ndarray` Latitudes over which temperature map is computed phi : `~np.ndarray` Longitudes over which temperature map is computed """ from .fast import _h_ml_sum_cy phase_offset = np.pi / 2 phi = np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, n_phi) theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n_theta) theta2d, phi2d = np.meshgrid(theta, phi) if cython: # Cython alternative to the pure python implementation: h_ml_sum = _h_ml_sum_cy(self.hotspot_offset, self.omega_drag, self.alpha, theta2d, phi2d, self.C_ml, self.lmax) else: # Slow loops, which have since been cythonized: h_ml_sum = np.zeros((n_theta, n_phi)) for l in range(1, self.lmax + 1): for m in range(-l, l + 1): h_ml_sum += self.h_ml(m, l, theta2d, phi2d + phase_offset + self.hotspot_offset) T_eq = f * self.T_s * np.sqrt(1 / self.a_rs) T = T_eq * (1 - self.A_B) ** 0.25 * (1 + h_ml_sum) return T, theta, phi
[docs] def albedo_redist(self, temp_map, theta, phi): """ Compute the Bond albedo and heat redistribution efficiency for ``temp_map``. Parameters ---------- temp_map : `~np.ndarray` Temperature map produced by e.g. `~kelp.Model.temperature_map`. theta : `~np.ndarray` Latitudes produced by e.g. `~kelp.Model.temperature_map`. phi : `~np.ndarray` Longitudes produced by e.g. `~kelp.Model.temperature_map`. Returns ------- bond_albedo : float Bond albedo epsilon : float Heat redistribution efficiency """ theta2d, phi2d = np.meshgrid(theta, phi) flux_planet_total = trapz2d( temp_map.T[..., None] ** 4 * np.sin(theta2d[..., None]) * (phi2d[..., None] > 0), phi, theta )[0] flux_star = np.pi * self.T_s ** 4 bond_albedo = 1 - self.a_rs ** 2 * flux_planet_total / flux_star mask_dayside = np.abs(phi2d) < np.pi / 2 mask_nightside = np.abs(phi2d + np.pi) < np.pi / 2 flux_dayside = np.sum( (temp_map.T * mask_dayside) ** 4) / np.sum(mask_dayside) flux_nightside = np.sum( (temp_map.T * mask_nightside) ** 4) / np.sum( mask_nightside) epsilon = flux_nightside / flux_dayside return bond_albedo, epsilon
[docs] def integrated_blackbody(self, n_theta, n_phi, f=2 ** -0.5, cython=True): """ Integral of the blackbody function convolved with a filter bandpass. Parameters ---------- n_theta : int Number of grid points in latitude n_phi : int Number of grid points in longitude f : float Greenhouse parameter (typically 1/sqrt(2)). Returns ------- interp_bb : function Interpolation function for the blackbody map as a function of latitude (theta) and longitude (phi) """ from .fast import _integrated_blackbody if cython: int_bb, func = _integrated_blackbody(self.hotspot_offset, self.omega_drag, self.alpha, self.C_ml, self.lmax, self.T_s, self.a_rs, self.rp_a, self.A_B, n_theta, n_phi, u.m).value, self.filt.transmittance, f=f) return int_bb, func else: T, theta_grid, phi_grid = self.temperature_map(n_theta, n_phi, f, cython=cython) if (T < 0).any(): return lambda theta, phi: np.inf bb_t = BlackBody(temperature=T * u.K) int_bb = np.trapz(bb_t(self.filt.wavelength[:, None, None]) * self.filt.transmittance[:, None, None], self.filt.wavelength, axis=0 ).si.value interp_bb = RectBivariateSpline(theta_grid, phi_grid, int_bb, kx=1, ky=1) return int_bb, lambda theta, phi: interp_bb(theta, phi)[0][0]
[docs] def reflected_phase_curve(self, xi, omega, g): r""" Reflected light phase curve for a homogeneous sphere by Heng, Morris & Kitzmann (2021). Parameters ---------- xi : `~np.ndarray` Orbital phases of each observation defined on (-pi, pi) omega : float Single-scattering albedo as defined in g : float Scattering asymmetry factor, ranges from (-1, 1). Returns ------- phase_curve : `~kelp.PhaseCurve` Flux ratio between the reflected planetary flux and the stellar flux in units of ppm. A_g : float Geometric albedo derived for the planet given {omega, g}. q : float Integral phase function """ reflected_light_ppm, A_g, q = reflected_phase_curve( xi, omega, g, 1/self.rp_a ) return PhaseCurve(xi, reflected_light_ppm), A_g, q
[docs] def phase_curve(self, xi, omega, g, n_theta=20, n_phi=200, f=2 ** -0.5, cython=True, quad=False, check_sorted=True, _temperature_map=None): r""" Reflected light phase curve for a homogeneous sphere by Heng, Morris & Kitzmann (2021) with the thermal phase curve for a planet represented with a spherical harmonic expansion by Morris et al. (in prep). Parameters ---------- xi : `~np.ndarray` Orbital phases of each observation defined on (-pi, pi) omega : float Single-scattering albedo as defined in g : float Scattering asymmetry factor, ranges from (-1, 1). n_theta : int Number of grid points in latitude n_phi : int Number of grid points in longitude f : float Greenhouse parameter (typically 1/sqrt(2)). cython : bool (default is True) Use Cython implementation of the `integrated_blackbody` function (deprecated). Default is True. quad : bool (default is False) Use `dblquad` to integrate the temperature map if True, else use trapezoidal approximation. check_sorted : bool (default is True) Check that the ``xi`` values are sorted before passing to cython (carefully turning this off will speed things up a bit) Returns ------- phase_curve : `~kelp.PhaseCurve` Flux ratio between the reflected planetary flux and the stellar flux in units of ppm. A_g : float Geometric albedo derived for the planet given {omega, g}. q : float Integral phase function """ reflected, A_g, q = self.reflected_phase_curve( xi, omega, g ) thermal = self.thermal_phase_curve( xi, n_theta=n_theta, n_phi=n_phi, f=f, cython=cython, quad=quad, check_sorted=check_sorted, _temperature_map=_temperature_map ) return PhaseCurve(xi, thermal.flux + reflected.flux), A_g, q
[docs] def thermal_phase_curve(self, xi, n_theta=20, n_phi=200, f=2 ** -0.5, cython=True, quad=False, check_sorted=True, _temperature_map=None): r""" Compute the thermal phase curve of the system as a function of observer angle ``xi``. .. note:: The ``xi`` axis is assumed to be monotonically increasing when ``check_sorted=False``, ``cython=True`` and ``quad=False``. Parameters ---------- xi : array-like Orbital phase angle n_theta : int Number of grid points in latitude n_phi : int Number of grid points in longitude f : float Greenhouse parameter (typically 1/sqrt(2)). cython : bool Use Cython implementation of the `integrated_blackbody` function (deprecated). Default is True. quad : bool Use `dblquad` to integrate the temperature map if True, else use trapezoidal approximation. check_sorted : bool Check that the ``xi`` values are sorted before passing to cython (carefully turning this off will speed things up a bit) Returns ------- phase_curve : `~kelp.PhaseCurve` System fluxes as a function of phase angle :math:`\xi`. """ from .fast import _phase_curve rp_rs2 = (self.rp_a * self.a_rs) ** 2 if quad: fluxes = np.zeros(len(xi)) int_bb, interp_blackbody = self.integrated_blackbody(n_theta, n_phi, f, cython) def integrand(phi, theta, xi): return (interp_blackbody(theta, phi) * sin(theta) ** 2 * cos(phi + xi)) bb_ts = BlackBody(temperature=self.T_s * u.K) planck_star = np.trapz(self.filt.transmittance * bb_ts(self.filt.wavelength), self.filt.wavelength).si.value for i in range(len(xi)): fluxes[i] = dblquad(integrand, 0, np.pi, lambda x: -xi[i] - np.pi / 2, lambda x: -xi[i] + np.pi / 2, epsrel=100, args=(xi[i],) )[0] * rp_rs2 / np.pi / planck_star else: if check_sorted: if not np.all(np.diff(xi) >= 0): raise ValueError("xi array must be sorted") if _temperature_map is None: _temperature_map = np.zeros((n_phi, n_theta)) fluxes = _phase_curve( xi.astype('double'), self.hotspot_offset, self.omega_drag, self.alpha, self.C_ml, self.lmax, self.T_s, self.a_rs, self.rp_a, self.A_B, n_theta, n_phi,'double'), self.filt.transmittance.astype('double'), f, u.m).value.astype('double'), u.W/u.m**3).value.astype('double'), _temperature_map.astype('double') ) return PhaseCurve(xi, 1e6 * fluxes,
[docs] def integrated_temperatures(self, n_theta=100, n_phi=100, f=2 ** -0.5): """ Compute the integrated dayside and nightside temperatures for the temperature map. .. note:: The dayside/nightside integrated temperatures reported by this function are weighted by their emitted power, i.e. we take the 1/4 root of the mean of the temperature raised to the fourth power. Parameters ---------- n_theta : int Number of grid points in latitude n_phi : int Number of grid points in longitude f : float Greenhouse parameter (typically 1/sqrt(2)). cython : bool Use cython implementation of the hml basis. Default is True, yields a factor of ~two speedup. Returns ------- dayside : float Integrated dayside temperature [K] nightside : float Integrated nightside temperature [K] """ T, theta, phi = self.temperature_map(n_theta=n_theta, n_phi=n_phi, f=f) theta2d, phi2d = np.meshgrid(theta, phi) dayside_hemisphere = (phi < np.pi / 2) & (phi > -np.pi / 2) nightside_hemisphere = (phi > np.pi / 2) & (phi < 3 / 2 * np.pi) integrand_dayside = np.max( [np.sin(theta2d) ** 2 * np.cos(phi2d), np.zeros_like(theta2d)], axis=0 ).T integrand_nightside = np.max( [np.sin(theta2d) ** 2 * np.cos(phi2d + np.pi), np.zeros_like(theta2d)], axis=0 ).T dayside_integrated_temperature = np.average( T[:, dayside_hemisphere] ** 4, weights=integrand_dayside[:, dayside_hemisphere] ) ** (1/4) nightside_integrated_temperature = np.average( T[:, nightside_hemisphere] ** 4, weights=integrand_nightside[:, nightside_hemisphere] ) ** (1/4) return dayside_integrated_temperature, nightside_integrated_temperature
[docs]class StellarSpectrum(object): def __init__(self, wavelength, spectral_flux_density): """ Parameters ---------- wavelength : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavelength array for stellar spectrum spectral_flux_density : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Spectral flux density as a function of wavelength. Should have units compatible with W/m^2/micron, for example. """ self.wavelength = wavelength self.spectral_flux_density = spectral_flux_density
[docs] @classmethod def from_zeros(cls, size=10): """ Construct a stellar spectrum with all zeros as the wavelength and spectrum arrays. This effectively turns off the custom stellar spectrum feature. """ return cls(np.zeros(size) * u.m, np.zeros(size) * u.W/u.m**3)
[docs] @classmethod def from_phoenix(cls, T_s, log_g=4.5, cache=False): """ Return PHOENIX model stellar spectrum for a star with a given effective temperature ``T_s`` and surface gravity ``log_g``. Parameters ---------- T_s : int Effective temperature log_g : float Surface gravity cache : bool Cache the retrieved stellar spectrum. """ from expecto import get_spectrum spectrum = get_spectrum(T_s, log_g, cache=cache) return cls(spectrum.wavelength, spectrum.flux)
[docs] @classmethod def from_blackbody(cls, T_s): """ Return PHOENIX model stellar spectrum for a star with a given effective temperature ``T_s`` and surface gravity ``log_g``. Parameters ---------- T_s : int Effective temperature log_g : float Surface gravity """ from astropy.modeling.models import BlackBody wavelengths = np.linspace(500, 55000, 1000) * u.Angstrom bb = np.pi * * BlackBody( T_s * u.K, scale=1 * u.W / u.m ** 3 / )(wavelengths) return cls(wavelengths, bb)
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the stellar spectrum. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axis object kwargs : dict Dictionary passed to the `~matplotlib.pyplot.plot` command Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Updated axis object """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy.visualization import quantity_support if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() with quantity_support(): ax.plot(self.wavelength, self.spectral_flux_density, **kwargs) return ax